The term Security Disaster Recovery refers to ‘The assistance in recovery back to full operational capacity whilst dealing with the event that caused the implementation of the SDR plan’. Saber Guards & Security Services has trained Disaster Recovery personnel who can assist you in the design, test and implementation at emergency stages, to ensure its accuracy and cost effectiveness.
Disaster recovery is also the ability to recover data and security systems and technology with vital information for the continuation of services to the end user. This forms part of the greater disaster recovery plans that Saber Guards & Security Services actively promote via the use of back up alternative location servers and use of cloud based systems for less business critical data.
This will enable your business to continue operations for a prolonged period of time outside of base locations for an unspecified period of time, and means business critical and sensitive data never leaves your servers or an authorised location.
Saber Guards & Security Services will assist in limiting the information and systems that is shared and taken off site by way of package and data passes that would require authorisation from department heads and senior managers alike.